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Future of the Field

Building capacity
Big Ocean is the only peer-learning network created ‘by managers for managers’ (and managers in the making) of large-scale marine areas. Since its inception in 2010, our network has grown from six to 17 sites. Members are the large-scale MPAs as represented by their management teams. Our focus is management and best practice, which is vital to the future of the field. Our goal is to support each other and the growing field of large-scale MPAs. Our purpose is to develop and enhance the professional standards of practice, and long-term, effective management of large-scale marine areas.
Our aims are straight forward
Provide a forum for communication and networking through which managers of large-scale MPAs can improve their management efforts.
Understand the unique social, cultural and ecological values of large-scale MPAs.
Contribute to the protection of our world’s oceans by working together and sharing resources, as well as supporting effective management and sound scientific research.
Communicate the conclusions and findings of the network’s efforts.
Charting a new course
Although only a handful of large-scale MPAs have existed long enough to provide comprehensive advice across all sectors of management, there are greater opportunities for learning and synergy between and among the full range of MPA communities. Currently, the field is approaching 40 Large-Scale MPAs, a five-fold increase since Big Ocean launched. With so many new areas, the need to transform real–world experience into practical guidance that produces well-designed sites, adaptive management regimes, and enhanced ocean governance is more critical than ever.
As technology opens up new possibilities, it will also increase pressures on the ocean. This in turn will likely challenge even the most robust of management regimes. Big Ocean aims to help by adding expertise to the field and to support the development of additional tools and resources for existing and new sites.
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