Generational Knowledge | A Conversation with Alan Friedlander

Alan Friedlander has been studying the world’s oceans for 35 years. He’s spent 10,000 hours below the surface – in Tonga, Hawaii, the Arctic. Almost anywhere with a body of water. His experiences in the Pacific led him to the University of Hawai’i where he received his Ph.D. and eventually went on to not only teach, but become Director of Fisheries Ecology Research Laboratory. Alan currently serves as the National Geographic’s Pristine Seas Chief Scientist. As a Royal Geographical Society and Explorers Club Fellow, he’s authored over 200 scientific publications on everything from coral reef community ecology to marine resource use and management. In this conversation, Nai’a and Alan discuss indigenous knowledge systems, community ocean management, and the importance of intergenerational memory.

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Jonah Pasion