Virtual Summit 2021


Hosted and facilitated by Big Ocean, with support from the Blue Nature Alliance, the inaugural LSMPA Managers’ (virtual) Summit aimed to strengthen connections between and amongst managers and practitioners; to address the priority needs of practitioners working on-the-ground globally.

By the end of the Summit, it was clear that Big Ocean’s informal tagline, “Bigger isnʻt better but size and scale matter.” is true. If you consider that of the 17,000 plus MPAs of all sizes globally, 70% of current ocean protection comes from the 41 Large-Scale MPAs globally, we must consider effectively and appropriately using the Large-Scale MPA model and better supporting and resourcing marine managing agencies globally.

The links below provide materials and key outputs from the Summit. The next section provides the recorded videos for Day 1 and Day 2. The Ignite Talks featured on day one as well as a few other sessions will be made available as as individual videos in the digital library by mid-October 2021.



For additional information about Big Ocean, please visit our Digital Library.