A decade in the making!
Big Ocean will be celebrating 10-years of successful peer-learning across and among the world’s largest marine managed areas in 2020. Our celebratory events will begin in Marseille, France, in conjunction with the 2020 IUCN World Conservation Congress. The network will conveen managers, scientists, partners, donors, and the wider large-scale MPA community of practice to reflect on accomplishments to date, and to share lessons learned that will further our work around best-practice marine management at-scale for the next decade.
If you are attending WCC 2020, please take note of the date of our 10th network meeting and anniversary celebration. To track our progress and to learn more about our sessions and other events related to large-scale MPAs, please subscribe to our e-newsletter at right.
Big Ocean Meeting &
10th Anniversary Celebration
Wednesday 10 June 2020
Marseille, France
On 6 December 2010, in Honolulu, Hawai’i, managers and partners of the world’s largest MPAs decided to launch Big Ocean. Since then 11 more sites have joined. Collectively, the network supports best practice marine management at-scale in 10 countries, and has helped to increase protections for more than 11 million square kilometers of our global ocean.